Today please welcome Lyn Cote to our blog. Lyn has authored inspirational romances in the historical, contemporary and suspense genres and has written for Steeple Hill, Warner Faith and Avon Inspire. Always ready to help new and upcoming authors, Lyn teaches online classes and keeps a current list of inspirational romance markets on a section for her website.
Good morning,Lynn. To start with, please tell us a little about your Avon Inspire 'Texas Star of Destiny' series.
I had never done much research into early Texas history. I read about Moses Austin’s deal in 1820 with the last Spanish governor of Texas and was intrigued by the three demands made of the Anglos entering Texas: No slaves, Convert to Roman Catholicism, and swear allegiance to Spain. I was intrigued because in my experience Americans of that period were unlikely to follow any of those! And that means conflict and every good story thrives on conflict. Here's the blurb for book one.
Desires of her Heart is a historical romance between a woman forced to make a new life on the Texas frontier and the scout who leads their wagon train through the uncharted territory. Set in 1821, Dorritt Mott is anti-slavery, a woman ahead of her time. When events make it impossible for her family, including an overbearing stepfather and a spoiled half-sister, to remain in New Orleans, they head to Texas on foot to join Stephen Austin’s settlement and recoup their fortune in virgin Texas.
Quinn, a social outcast as the half-breed son of a Cherokee mother and an American father, has made a name for himself as a scout and a man not to be taken lightly. When the New Orleans lady and the frontiersman meet, they become unlikely allies as they travel the wilds of Texas. But will their trek be in vain? Mexico has broken with the Spanish Crown that had granted Austin land. And both armies plus marauding Comanche roam the pine forest and prairie of Texas.
And though they are unaware of it, there is a closer danger, a man who is plotting destruction and who will try to make Dorritt and Quinn pawns in his scheme. As their romance blossoms, can Dorritt help Quinn put his trust in the God, who has promised that those that delight in Him shall be given the desires of their hearts? What will it take for Quinn to believe that promise?
Desires of her Heart is available now and the second book Her Inheritance Forever will be available in October.
You recently started a new blog "Strong Women Brave Stories." Can you tell us a little about that and why you chose that subject?
That phrase is my brand. In my historical sagas, I always feature women who are trailblazers, a multi-cultural cast of characters, and authentic historical detail. I didn't start a blog until I realized that this theme would be of interest to any woman and that every woman has a story. This month is my Mega May, where I have featured stories not only from other authors (such as White Rose author Kara Lynn Russell) but also from readers. This is also the only month that I give a basket of books and goodies to any reader who shared a story or made a comment. This goes through May 31st. Drop by http://www.strongwomenbravestories.blogspot.com and enjoy at least one of the stories and leave a comment. You might win!
You've written in several areas of Christian romance - contemporary, historical and suspense. Which do you prefer and why?
I love writing historicals the most. I think that is my true voice, but I've learned to write a pretty good contemporary romance and romantic suspense--IMHO!
I agree! My favorites are your first contemporary Never Alone and your suspense trilogy Dangerous Season, Dangerous Game and Dangerous Secrets.
According to your website, you started writing in 1984. What moved you to make this choice?
I had always wanted to write, but I had been pouring my creativity into my writing and then having two children. One day I drove past the school where I used to teach and I thought, "I'm bored." And the next day I started writing my first manuscript. It took me from 1984 to 1997 to sell to Love Inspired-Steeple Hill. I wrote 5 manuscripts before selling. Joining Romance Writers of America and getting on the Internet finally put me in touch with what I needed to know.
How do think the current economy will effect new writers seeking publication?
Books are still selling. Compared with many other forms of entertainment, books are still a bargain!
Kara, thanks for having me as a guest. I'm so happy that White Rose Press is publishing more inspirational romance. No woman ever tires of romance!
That is so true! Thank you for being a guest on our blog. We are honored to have you here.
You can find out more about Lyn at her website and also at the Love Inpsired Authors site. I also encourage you to visit Lyn's Strong Women Brave Stories blog. It has great stories about exceptional women that would never be told otherwise and I'm not just saying that because Lyn was gracious enough to invite me to contribute there! I truly believe this is a wonderful way to keep the stories of these women alive.