Thursday, October 11, 2007

Introducing Kim Watters

Hi. My name is Kim Watters and I write sweet and inspirational stories for both Avalon Books and the Wild Rose Press. I was called to write years ago, but until I had moved from Chicago to Phoenix, I never seemed to have the time. And boy I’ve sure made up for it. With two books from Avalon, another one in the works, a full novel at the Wild Rose Press, and three short stories later, I’m at it as full time as I can get. During the day, I work as an administrative assistant for a local golf resort, which I find amusing because I don’t play golf. My writing time is during that precious hour in the morning before the kids poke their heads into the office and start asking for breakfast.

I’ve received many blessings and a true understanding of God through the birth of my children. They truly have the understanding of God with a child’s innocence lost upon many adults, myself included sometimes. I love creating stories for others to enjoy and hope the message of unconditional love, acceptance and the belief in a happily ever after is my gift to the world that God has chosen me to share.


Kim Watters

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