Hello White Roses in Bloom Fans!
Here’s hoping EVERYONE had a BLESSED and Happy Thanksgiving!
I am very pleased and honored to be a part of such a wonderful group of writers. As much as I’d love to tell you all about my books, I believe that you should have the opportunity to know a little about me first (not that I’m all that—LOL!). Anyway…for those of you who don’t know me, here’s a little introduction:
My name is Pamela S Thibodeaux and I write “Inspirational with an Edge!” romantic fiction as well as creative non fiction. First and foremost I am a firmly committed Christian. God is very real to me and I hope to show through my characters that He can be just as real to you!
I am a wife/mother/grandmother/full-time insurance sales producer/writer as well as the co-founder/president & treasurer of Bayou Writers’ Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
To date I have 4 full-length novels published. Books 1, 2 & 3 of my 5-part Tempered series are published through ComStar Media and my single-title novel, The Inheritance is published through The Wild Rose Press. I also have a short story, Cathy’s Angel available now through TWRP. Another short story is due for release on Jan 8, 08 and another is under consideration. All of my full-length novels are available in E-book and Print!
I have been a weekly contributor to The Romance Readers Blog with Pamela’s Ponderings for almost a year now and have a Personal Blog that I update regularly. I’ve also been known to hang out at MySpace and ShoutLife.
Well, that’s my life in a nutshell LOL!
Until later….take care, stay in touch, God Bless and remember…when the going gets tough, the tough get on their knees.
Pamela S Thibodeaux
“Inspirational with an Edge!”
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