Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Good, Better. Best

'm sure many of you are pulled in different
directions with all the demands of life - children,
work, church, service, exercise, cooking, cleaning,
hobbies - wait, who has time for hobbies?

A leader in my church, Dallin H. Oaks, gave a
memorable talk entitled, "Good, Better, Best." He
explained with so many needful activities pulling us
in various directions - soccer practice, scrubbing
toilets, cleaning the counter for the tenth time today
(sorry that was my interjection). It's easy to lose
sight of the essential activities we need to be doing
- studying the scriptures, visiting the sick and
elderly, reading to our children, playing with our
children, praying and growing closer to the Lord.

This life is short. We need to be careful not to
squander our time with less than good or even harmful
things - mass media consumption, selfish pursuits that
don't lift or enrich our lives, idleness. We all need
downtime, which is why the Sabbath is a day of rest.
I'm not saying relaxing is wrong, but spending hour
after hour in front of a television screen will leave
us unfulfilled and in the end unrewarded.

As we focus on our families and prioritize to fit in
the important things, our joy and fulfillment will

One day we will be held accountable for how we use the
resources given to us. Time is one of our greatest
resources. I hope we can all focus that time on the
essential things - loving our families and serving
those in need.

Cami Checketts is the author of "The Fourth of July"
and "The Broken Path."

1 comment:

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

Great post, Cami! and so true.

Thanks for the reminder.
