Editorial Product Description
A SECRET LIST... To protect his loved ones and escape the dark fate of his brothers, a noted warrior abandons his identity. Hiding from relentless soldiers who want him dead, Brody MacCaulay vows to protect the woman he loves more than life, more than freedom, more than Scotland. But his presence throws her into danger. A VOW HONORED... To escape an arranged marriage to an abusive noble, a Lowland Lady weds a stranger to save his life. But vows spoken do not make a marriage, especially when Megan MacMurry holds a different love inside her heart. A SACRIFICE MADE... Outlawed, and with a price on his head, Brody condemns himself to a life of heartbreak without Megan. Wanting her desperately, knowing he can't have her, he heads alone to certain death...
JoAnn's Thoughts:
This book held my attention from the first page. (I could even hear the Scottish accent as I read.) In fact, the characters seemed to leap off the pages and interact as if I was watching a movie. Honestly, this was one of the best historical romances I've read this year. I felt as if Ms. Greene stayed true to the time-period in setting, action, and manner of the people within the plot. This talented author wove not only a beautiful romance, but also showed us a warming faith of both Megan and Brody.
Brody has doubts with all that he has seen and lived through as a warrior. He wonders if God has abandoned him. However, God proved Himself faithful and true. What an encouraging thought to consider. No matter what we've lived though, God has--and will always--be there for us.
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Thanks for the great review! I'm going to purchase this one for sure. I love to read books by authors who can make the historical time period come alive for me.
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